
Boy falls in love with automaton story
Boy falls in love with automaton story

boy falls in love with automaton story

Batman calls out Freeze on his delusional "love" of a woman he doesn't know who is old enough to be his grandmother. He eventually became delusionally obsessed with her and started thinking she was his wife-a nasty change from his more sympathetic DCAU origin. At the time she was in the care of Wayne Industries, so Fries applied for a job there just so he could have a chance to study her. As an adult, he became fascinated with Nora Fields, a woman who was cryogenically frozen at age 23 in 1943 when she was diagnosed with a fatal heart condition. When Victor Fries was a child he became fascinated with freezing things when his mother almost died after falling through thin ice. Freeze's origin is given this unsettling twist.

  • Namor the Sub-Mariner's infatuation with Susan Storm-Richards/The Invisible Woman had a little bit of this on both ends.
  • Amora the Enchantress' on-again/off-again fixation with The Mighty Thor showed signs of this.
  • Lois Lane often came across as this towards Superman back during her Stalker with a Crush days.
  • but Bruce is quick to remind the Hulk that Jarella loved him, not the Hulk.
  • A story from Giant-Size Hulk implies the hulk had a little of this with Caiera in Planet Hulk, as she reminded him of Jarella, another woman from an alien world who loved the Hulk.
  • It was easier to love him while he was dead. Despite their feelings for one another, Gamora idolized Rich while he was presumed dead, but when he comes back, his Chronic Hero Syndrome scuppers any chance of them being together.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2020): Gamora gives this as the reason she went with Peter Quill rather than Richard Rider.
  • boy falls in love with automaton story

    He's convinced she's his version of Lois and wants only to save her. The Flashpoint Superman, Subject-One, does the same thing with the pre-Flashpoint Lois Lane.

    boy falls in love with automaton story

    He's settled on the pre-Flashpoint Mera in Convergence: Justice League.

    boy falls in love with automaton story

    Because the Flashpoint Mera died before Convergence began, Flashpoint Aquaman is looking at her counterparts to find a suitable replacement.In his Joker's Asylum issue, he has a meltdown simply on noticing his current obsession has a name badge saying "Catheryn", because what kind of not-Alice name is that? Batman villain Jervis Tetch, the Mad Hatter, is sometimes portrayed as fixating on women (or, if the writer is prepared to go there, girls) who look like the title character of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, convincing himself they're "his" Alice, and then kidnapping and mind-controlling them.I love her.īatgirl: You don't even know her, Kai. Most definitely can be Truth in Television. See Post-Support Regret for the platonic version of this trope, though the two can overlap if the one who loved the shadow was an Only Friend who supported them and ignored all their wrongdoings, only to be proven wrong. Not to be confused with Fighting a Shadow. I cannot give you what you seek."Īccordingly, compare and contrast with All Love Is Unrequited. The trope name refers to Éowyn's unrequited love for Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, from the line "It is but a shadow and a thought that you love. If a character is Really 700 Years Old, this can keep the writers from having to deal with a Mayfly≭ecember Romance. Like Death of the Hypotenuse and Ron the Death Eater, this trope serves as a subtrope of Die for Our Ship in fanfic, to clear the way for the author's preferred ship. A sub-trope of Broken Pedestal, which is often what awaits anyone on the path of this trope.

    Boy falls in love with automaton story